About Product
Characteristics - Description
Plant habit - Indeterminate
Plant type - Erect
Plant height - Tall (230-240 cm)
No.of primary branches - 5 to 6
Maturity days - 130-140 days
Maturity group - Early
Flower Colour - Yellow and Red
Pod Colour - Green with strip
Pod size - Big
Seed Colour - White
Seed size - Bold
100 seed weight - 10-11 g
Stem Colour - Purple
Reaction to pest and diseases - Tolerance
Averge yield in normal condition - 25-27 quintal per hectare
Other features - a.Tollerent to wilt
b.Pod are resistance to shattering
Shipping & Packaging Information
Farmer selection process in Book My Crop
As there are thousands of farmers registered on Book My Crop from different parts of India, buyers prefer to contact famers who serve their requirement. Understanding this, Book My Crop is designed with two selection criteria that for buyers:
1) Crop Wise Farmer Selection
2) Distance Wise Crop Selection